
Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 8 – 10 PVP



Players are no longer flagged for PvP if they use their class buff on a player that is flagged.

New introductory level 50 PvP missions that reward a choice of lockboxes that contain Recruit PvP gear have been added to the game. Players who already have Recruit gear can elect to receive a Recruit Credit Redemption Token, which can be sold for the purchase price of a set of Recruit gear.

Players are no longer removed from their current group when they join a Warzone. While a player is in a Warzone, all functions affect the Warzone group. Players that are not in the Warzone will see the original group normally, and when the Warzone is over, players in the Warzone will be able to interact with their original group.

Players who are stunned or immobilized no longer appear to teleport a short distance to a new location on other players' screens.

Medical probe revivals can no longer be called in PvP regions belonging to the opposing faction.

Relics that have effects activated "on hit" no longer cause players to remain in combat longer than expected during PvP.

The "on use" abilities on relics can no longer be used inside Warzones. PvP relics (such as the Recruit, Battlemaster, and War hero relics) now have passive boosts to the same stats that the "on use" ability affected.

New relics that offer "on hit" triggered abilities are now available from PvP vendors.

Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.

Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas.

Biochemists can now craft a version of the Warzone Adrenal.

The duration of the Warzone Adrenal has been reduced to 15 seconds (down from 25) to match the duration of other Adrenals.



Players who receive an in-combat revival no longer receive healing scoreboard credit for the revival.

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones are now available! Teams of 8 level 50 players can use the "Queue Team Ranked" button in the Warzone queue window to queue for a Ranked Warzone match.

Ranked Warzones reward Ranked Warzone Commendations.

Teams receive their Team Rating after participating in 10 Ranked Warzone matches. This rating is adjusted at the end of every Team Ranked Warzone match based on win or loss and the ratings of all other matched players.

Leaving a Ranked Warzone before it ends counts as a loss. Declining an invitation once a match is made counts as a loss.

Players in the queue for a Ranked Warzone can queue for a normal Warzone at the same time. Entering a normal Warzone does not remove players from the Ranked Warzone queue. If a Ranked Warzone match is found while a player is in a normal Warzone, the match is reserved until the player finishes the normal Warzone, and other players in the reserved match will not be asked to join normal Warzones.

Alderaan Civil War

This Warzone can now be played by two teams of the same faction. Additionally, each objective marker now appears in a color relative to the player's team – green indicates objectives controlled by your team, and red indicates objectives controlled by the other team. These colors match the colors on the scorecard and map.

Corrected a terrain issue that allowed players to reach the middle objective from the other objectives faster than intended.

Corrected a region placement error that caused Imperial players to be instantly defeated in an unintended area near the Republic spawn area.

The Warzone Scorecard now properly displays the pre-match countdown.

Performance optimizations have been implemented to improve the framerate inside this Warzone.

Corrected an issue that could prevent tooltips from minimizing properly.


The acid trap debuff now expires correctly if a player is disconnected while in the acid trap.

Novare Coast

The message that an enemy bunker is taking damage now plays less frequently.

The areas around each capture point that provide credit for defense have been adjusted and now include more area.


The layout of the first room has been changed slightly to increase travel time between objectives.

Objective markers in this Warzone now appear in a color relative to the player's team. When the bomb is waiting to be armed, the attacking team will see a red marker and the defending team sees a green marker. This marker is green for the attacking team (and red for the defending team) when the bomb has been planted.

Players now receive notification when they receive defender points for guarding doors.

Voidstar scoring now factors in time spent both on offense and defense. This means a team that started on defense and prevented most of the objectives from being taken can get maximum score by making further progress in round 2 and winning early.

Corrected an issue that could prevent the bomb from displaying correctly when planted on doors.

A very rare case that could prevent a Voidstar match from ending early if the second attacking team exceeded the progress of the first attacking team has been corrected.

The Voidstar features new voiceover transmissions that support matches between players of the same faction.

World PvP

The Outlaws' Den (Tatooine)

Companion Characters are no longer permitted within the Outlaw's Den.

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