
Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 7 – 10 Missions and NPCs

Missions and NPCs


New weekly missions to defeat various Heroic World Bosses are now available on the Fleets.

Cinematics throughout the game have been polished. Many visual issues during cinematics have been corrected, and updates have been made to consistency (such as ensuring that characters killed in cinematics are no longer alive in the phase afterward). Some instances where audio and subtitles did not match have been corrected.

Many minor changes and bug fixes have been made to missions. Examples include: several missing map notes have been added (and many erroneous map notes have been corrected), some mission usables that weren't appearing in the tracker now appear, and several conversations that would automatically start even after being canceled have been corrected. Not every minor fix has received an individual note.

Many instances where mission phases could be entered before passing through the phase gate have been corrected.

Corrected instances where mission indicators would appear over NPCs when not intended.

Players can now use shift-click in the mission log to create a chat hyperlink for a mission.

Interacting with the Armstech Trainer now completes the Imperial mission "Crafting Trainers."

Killing bosses in Nightmare Mode now gives credit for the [VEHICLE] Aratech Nightscythe and the [VEHICLE] Praxon Firaxa missions.

A very rare issue that could cause players who completed a mission and exceeded its goals by an extremely large amount (by continuing to kill the mission's targets, for instance) to be returned to character select has been addressed.

Mission completion experience is no longer displayed twice in the chat window.

Several instances of incorrect loading screen summaries being displayed have been corrected.

World Missions


A Woman Scorned: Rehanna Rist no longer becomes invisible.


Freeing the Fallen: The "Clear the Way" bonus objective now requires only 20 kills (down from 30).

Jungle Flight: This mission is now properly balanced for two players.


The shuttle to and from the Black Hole area can now be used to transport players directly to their personal starships.

Bomb Disposal: The first bomb removed by the player no longer disappears from the player's mission inventory.

Supply Confiscation: Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents are no longer addressed as Sith Lords during this mission.


The Challenge of War: The encounter with two Kaleesh Supplymasters has been redesigned and is now less difficult.

Nar Shaddaa

Diversion: The behavior of NPCs related to this mission now matches the mission description.

The Exchange Enhancement Facility: The Incubator no longer respawns without the Ukabi Super Soldier floating in it.


The Archive: Wintag's voiceover no longer has an inappropriate voice effect.

The Corpse Counters: Cera now uses the correct conversation lines in this mission.


Search and Rescue: Single prisoners no longer grant credit more than once for the objective "Rescue Prisoners."


Fishing Façade: Corrected an issue where the subtitles for T5-BD were not displaying long enough.

Gormak Sabotage: The Gormak Tech Shaman is now balanced appropriately for solo players.

Let's See Some Aggression: This mission no longer fails if the player uses a stealth ability during Gormak Ambushes.

The First Commando's Call: NPCs associated with this mission no longer automatically attack the player.

Trial of the First: This mission is no longer automatically completed for all group members when one player turns it in.

Class Missions


Travel Passes granted at the end of Chapters no longer share a cooldown with the Emergency Fleet Pass.

Jedi Knight

Catching up with Watcher One: Removed a mission that erroneously appeared in the mission log after speaking to RE-M0.

New Intelligence: The "Ship Entrance" map note now displays on the Jedi Knight Airlock map as intended. Lieutenant Marcovic's spawn for the step "Defeat Lieutenant Macovic" is no longer delayed by several minutes.

Tactical Advantages: Players will now receive proper credit when groupmates defeat Imperial Conquest Droids.

Jedi Consular

A Return Home: This mission now offers a lockbox reward of the appropriate level (the lockbox previously offered was lower level than intended).

Rajivari's Legacy: Rajivari no longer respawns.

Sith Inquisitor

Andronikos Revel: Players can no longer become stuck inside this mission's phase if they enter a Warzone while inside it.

Legacy: The map now correctly leads the player back to the Inner Chamber if the player left during the boss fight.


Brotherhood: Players assisting a Smuggler on this mission can now exit the mission phase and will not become stuck.

Deals and Double Deals: The conversation for the step "Confront Gus Tuno" now begins correctly when the player enters the mission phase.

You Can't Spend Infamy: Using an Emergency Fleet Pass now correctly progresses this mission.


Justice: The Republic troopers standing near General Garza are now properly armed with their rifles.

Mannett Point: Corrected an issue that could cause NPCs associated with this mission to evade and exit combat.

The Separatists' Stronghold: This mission no longer resets to its first step if the player is defeated on the "Talk to Commander Tavus" step.

Bounty Hunter

A Musty Trail: This mission's reward no longer asks the player to choose from rewards that list only one item.

Hostile Takeover: Players can now complete the conversation with General Krau if 2V-R8 is the current active companion.

Last One Standing: Coral's level now matches the level of this mission.


Several World Boss abilities and attacks now have appropriate sound effects.

The Holowan Labs Security Overseer's level has been increased to provide an appropriate challenge.

Removed one of two Mandalorian Equalizers that patrolled the same area in the Jungle Valley on Dromund Kaas.

Jace Malcom no longer wears armor with the Havoc Squad emblem.

Imperial Service Droids on Balmorra are now combat Droids instead of healing Droids.

Jedi Champions on Ilum can no longer see through the stealth granted by being revived by a medical probe.

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