
Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 1 – 10 Highlights


The Group Finder is now available! Players can use this feature to find groups for Flashpoints, Operations, and to find group members for missions on planets from anywhere in the galaxy!

New Legacy perks are now available! Perks offer bonuses for your character and can be purchased with credits after reaching specific Legacy levels.

The Alderaan Civil War Warzone can now be played by two teams of the same faction.

Players can now add augment slots to items at modification tables by using an augmentation kit and paying a credit cost.

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones are now available! Teams of 8 level 50 players can now compete with other Warzone teams to earn Ranked Warzone Commendations and receive their Team Rating!

The game now notifies players when changes to preferences that might improve performance have been made. Players now have the option to reset graphics preferences to the recommended default upon logging in when new options or settings have been implemented.

Several performance optimizations for lower- and mid-spec processors and graphics cards have been implemented.

Improved the performance of the Galaxy Map on player starships.

Added a unique icon to the Legacy Window to better distinguish the Warzone Training Dummy from the Operations Training Dummy.

The Hutt Cartel has seized control of the Galactic Trade Network! All Galactic Trade Network kiosks now connect to the neutral GTN, allowing players to purchase items listed by players of the opposite faction.

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