50's Dailys

Ilum (8 commendations)
A Fair Fight                                        General Orias = Loc 34, -16 (Republic Way Station)
Crystal Clear Sabotage                       Captain Sarmuk = Loc 5, -18 (Republic Way Station)
Darkness on Ilum[+ 2]                        Master Moran = Loc 536, -31 (Republic Base Camp)
Icy Destruction                                   Major Dumerin = Loc 39, -18 Republic Way Station)
Jam the Transmissions                       Agent Falcon = Loc 505, -31 (Republic Base Camp)
Pilot Down                                          L4-B5 = Loc 548, -33 (By Republic Base Camp)

Belsavis (17 commendations)
A Lesson is Learned[+2]                    Doctor Everis = High Security Section
Emergent Medicine                             Sergeant Kayen = High Security Section
Open Communications[+4]                 Agent Hextal = High Security Section
Restraining the Darkness                    Master Korman Reyes = High Security Section
Strengthening The Chain                    Major Harris = High Security Section

Containing the Beast                          Captain Valn = The Tomb
Prison Repairs                                     Lieuteant Scraife = The Tomb
Riot                                                     Captain Devlin = The Tomb
Sleeping Rakata                                  Master Vij Markos = The Tomb
The Stasis Generator[+4]                    General Skylast = The Tomb
Unheard Frequencies                          Doctor Larek = The Tomb

Commendation Sources:
Chasing the Shadow
Criminal Crackdown
Forced Labor
Eyes and Ears
Stolen Victory
Counter Eco-Terrorism

2. [Weekly] Rakghoul Conflicts8 Black Hole Commendations / Week. To get this reward you need to complete the following flashpoints:
- Kaon Under Siege – Hard Mode
- Lost Island – Hard Mode

3. [Weekly] Galactic Crisis Points - 8 Black Hole Commendations / Week
To get this reward you need to:
- Defeat Colonel Vorgath from Denova Operation (3rd boss) in any mode.

4. [Weekly] The Nightmare Pilgrim - 4 Black Hole Commendations / Week
To get this reward you need to:
- Defeat the Nightmare Pilgrim – the World boss on Voss situated in Nightmare Lands. This boss will spawn if you click the "Forbidden Knowledge" item located at coordinates -6, 1317 on Voss. The offical Gear Up FAQ in fact does list that this quest will pay commendations, but atm you get only credits.*The weekly Nightmare Pilgrim mission now rewards 4 Black Hole Commendations. since patch 1.2.2.

5. Story Mode Explosive Conflicts(Denova) operation:
- 2 Black Hole Commendations / boss (there are 4 bosses), 4 per chest (there are 3 chests in total)

6. Hard Mode Explosive Conflicts(Denova) operation:
- 4 Black Hole Commendations / boss, 4 per chest
The chests can be found in the following locations:
- First before the second boss (Firebrand and Stormcaller) near house and trees.
- Second in the trenches before the puzzle.
- Third before Kephess (the last boss of the operation).

7. Nightmare Mode Karagga’s Palace operation:
- 2 Black Hole Commendations for the first three bosses: Bonetrasher, Jarg and Sorno, Foreman Crusher the Slavedriver
- 3 Black Hole Commendations for the last 2 bosses: G4-BC Heavy Fabricator, Karagga the Unyielding 

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