
Social Gear

With the new update 1.3 people can now use social gear no matter the class.  So I added a link that shows exactly what it would look like, before you go trecking out to get this gear.



Character Transfers 6/12/2012

This is the information as I know it.

The facts:
Transfers start June 12th.
  • For now, they are free.
  • Transfers will be issued from a designated origin server to a designated destination server. We don’t have access to this designated server list yet. Multiple origin servers may be issued to one destination server.
  • Transfers won’t happen all at once. Transfers will be handled in server-based waves, and will take some time. Designated server lists may not be finalized until the servers are available for transfer, and may change during the transfer period.
  • Server types will remain consistent for current transfers. There won’t, for example, be a way to transfer from PvE to PvP.
  • Transfers may take a couple hours to complete. Transfer queues may pop up.
  • Legacy levels and perks will transfer with players. Legacy names will have be chosen again, and players will only keep their name if it is not taken on the destination server.
  • Guild transfers aren’t available– guild members will have to transfer separately, remake the guild, then contact BioWare customer service for assistance in transferring the guild bank.
  • In the future, transfers may become available between all servers, but with a fee. The ability to consolidate multiple characters might also be possible in the future.


Test 1.3 Patch Notes

I have added all of the patch notes so far for update 1.3.   This is a very long list of changes so I broke it up into 10 sections. REMEMBER these are only on the test server and are not finalized.  If you are having problems finding all of the update notes, scroll down to the bottom left of the blog and search my archives.

Please enjoy.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 1 – 10 Highlights


The Group Finder is now available! Players can use this feature to find groups for Flashpoints, Operations, and to find group members for missions on planets from anywhere in the galaxy!

New Legacy perks are now available! Perks offer bonuses for your character and can be purchased with credits after reaching specific Legacy levels.

The Alderaan Civil War Warzone can now be played by two teams of the same faction.

Players can now add augment slots to items at modification tables by using an augmentation kit and paying a credit cost.

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones are now available! Teams of 8 level 50 players can now compete with other Warzone teams to earn Ranked Warzone Commendations and receive their Team Rating!

The game now notifies players when changes to preferences that might improve performance have been made. Players now have the option to reset graphics preferences to the recommended default upon logging in when new options or settings have been implemented.

Several performance optimizations for lower- and mid-spec processors and graphics cards have been implemented.

Improved the performance of the Galaxy Map on player starships.

Added a unique icon to the Legacy Window to better distinguish the Warzone Training Dummy from the Operations Training Dummy.

The Hutt Cartel has seized control of the Galactic Trade Network! All Galactic Trade Network kiosks now connect to the neutral GTN, allowing players to purchase items listed by players of the opposite faction.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 2 – 10 Classes and Combat

Classes and Combat

Some erroneous French and German ability tooltips have been corrected and now accurately describe ability functionality.

Some optimizations on ability visual effects have been implemented to improve client performance, particularly when many player ability effects are displayed simultaneously.

Group members that are defeated can no longer receive buffs.

Ground-targeted area of effect targeting reticules now appear green if they are friendly (and won't cause player damage) and red if the player will be damaged.

Tab targeting no longer cycles through Mini-pets.
Ground-targeted reticules no longer light up if a player receives a "Too Close" error.

If a player uses a Damage over Time ability on a target and then deselects that target (and has no target), the target is no longer automatically re-selected after the ability applies damage again.

The combat log now includes a unique ID for NPCs so it is possible to differentiate between NPCs with the same name.

Target cast bars no longer occasionally fail to display when the target is repeatedly activating abilities back-to-back.

An issue that could cause the global cooldown to incorrectly occur when rapidly attempting to use multiple abilities has been corrected.

The cost for purchasing the third through sixth skill point respecializations per week has been reduced. The third has been reduced by approximately 25%, the fourth by approximately 38%, the fifth by approximately 45%, and the sixth by approximately 50%. Actual values vary slightly by level.

An issue has been corrected that could allow triggered effects (such as the effect from Lightning Barrage) to affect the next two abilities used instead of only affecting the next one used.

Players now receive a confirmation dialog upon selecting their Advanced Class.

Jedi Knight

The tooltip for Cauterize now displays the correct damage amount. Functionality for this ability has not changed.

Corrected an issue that prevented Ataru Form's triggered attacks from displaying visual effects in some circumstances.

The responsiveness of Riposte and Precision Slash has been increased.

Opportune Attack: This skill's tooltip now displays the correct chance for its effect to trigger (15%/30%). The skill's functionality has not changed.

Precision Slash: This ability now costs 1 Focus and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.

Due to changes to the Guardian skill trees, Guardians have had their skill points refunded.
The amount absorbed by Blade Barrier now scales properly based on character stats.
Soresu Form now generates 100% additional threat while active.

Single Saber Mastery now applies different effects based on your current Form. Shii-Cho Form now increases all Force damage dealt by 2% per point. Shien Form now increases all melee damage dealt by 2% per point. Soresu Form now increases melee and ranged defense by 1% per point and increases the threat generated by Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash by 10% per point.

Dust Storm: Cyclone Slash now additionally applies this accuracy debuff to affected targets.

Blade Barricade: Riposte now increases melee and ranged defense by 1% per point and lasts 12 seconds.

Profound Resolution has been replaced by Purifying Sweep, which causes Force Sweep to apply 2 stacks of armor reduction per point to all affected targets.

The damage dealt by Hilt Strike has been reduced, but this ability no longer costs Focus to activate.

Guardian Slash has been slightly altered. The ability still applies 3 stacks of armor reduction. Damage dealt by this ability has been reduced, but when the target is affected by 5 stacks of armor reduction, Guardian Slash now deals damage to up to 2 nearby enemies, spreading 3 stacks of armor reduction to those enemies and knocking down Standard and Weak targets. It does not deal damage to sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies, and continues to generate a high amount of additional threat.

Sith Warrior

Rare instances where Unleash would not activate if the player wasn't facing the target have been corrected.

The responsiveness of Retaliation and Gore has been increased.

Gore: This ability now costs 1 Rage and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.

Due to changes in the Juggernaut skill tree, Juggernauts have had their skill points refunded.

The amount absorbed by Sonic Barrier now scales properly based on character stats.
Soresu Form now generates 100% additional threat while active.

Single Saber Mastery now applies different effects based on your current Form. Shii-Cho Form now increases all Force damage dealt by 2% per point. Shien Form now increases all melee damage dealt by 2% per point. Soresu Form now increases melee and ranged defense by 1% per point and increases the threat generated by Smash and Sweeping Slash by 10% per point.

Quake: Sweeping Slash now additionally applies this accuracy debuff to affected targets.

Blade Barricade: Retaliation now increases melee and ranged defense by 1% per point and lasts 12 seconds.

Unleashed has been replaced by Crushing Fist, which causes Smash to apply 2 stacks of armor reduction per point to all affected targets.

The damage dealt by Backhand has been reduced, but this ability no longer costs Rage to activate.

Crushing Blow has been slightly altered. The ability still applies 3 stacks of armor reduction. Damage dealt by this ability has been reduced, but when the target is affected by 5 stacks of armor reduction, Crushing Blow now deals damage to up to 2 nearby enemies, spreading 3 stacks of armor reduction to those enemies and knocking down Standard and Weak targets. It does not deal damage to sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies, and continues to generate a high amount of additional threat.

Jedi Consular

Project has an updated visual effect and now deals its damage earlier to bring it in line with the Inquisitor's "Shock" ability.

Shadow Strike now displays the correct error message if this ability is used while player is not behind the target.

Combat Technique now generates 100% additional threat while active. The healing generated by this ability has been reduced by approximately 50%. Its armor bonus has been reduced to 115% (down from 150%).

Force Breach (Combat Technique) now generates a high amount of threat.
Spinning Kick now costs 20 Force.

Battle Readiness now increases the damage and healing dealt by all Techniques by 100% for 15 seconds.

Kinetic Combat
Slow Time no longer damages a sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemy unless it is the primary target.

Harnessed Shadows: The healing generated by Telekinetic Throw has been reduced to 8% total (down from 12%).

Sith Inquisitor

The light being cast from the Inquisitor's Lightning Strike Ability now fades away when the visuals have stopped and no longer lingers for a few seconds.

Corrected an issue that caused Jolt to play its visual effects later than intended.

Rare instances where Unbreakable Will would not activate if the player wasn't facing the target have been corrected.

Maul now displays the correct error message if this ability is used while the player is not behind the target.

Dark Charge now generates 100% additional threat while active. The healing generated from this ability has been reduced by approximately 50%. Its armor bonus has been reduced to 115% (down from 150%).

Discharge (Dark Charge) now generates a high amount of threat.

Spike now costs 20 Force.

Overcharge Saber now increases the damage and healing dealt by all Charges by 100% for 15 seconds.

Wither no longer damages a sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemy unless it is the primary target.

Harnessed Darkness: The healing generated by Force Lightning has been reduced to 8% total (down from 12%).


Due to changes in the Gunslinger skill trees, Gunslingers have had their skill points refunded.
The damage absorbed by Defense Screen now scales properly based on character stats.
Hunker Down's buff tooltip no longer incorrectly mentions damage reduction.

Illegal Mods now increases Accuracy by 30% and Armor Penetration by 15% instead of increasing Alacrity.

Charged Burst's visual effects now work correctly with color crystals. It now uses the correct visual effects when dual wielding.

An issue that prevented Leg Shot from displaying visual effects has been corrected.
The visual effect of Smuggler's Luck now lasts the full 20 seconds.
Quickdraw has a new sound and visual appearance.

Contingency Charges now lasts 20 seconds (up from 10). Contingency Charges can now be detonated once every second (down from once every 1.5 seconds).

Insurrection now provides 2 additional Contingency Charges (up from 1).

Rapid Fire and Burst Volley have swapped positions in the skill tree.

Rapid Fire is now a 3-point passive skill that reduces the cooldown of Aimed Shot and Speed Shot by 1 second per point.

Burst Volley now finishes the cooldown of Speed Shot and increases Alacrity by 10% and Energy regeneration by 50% for 10 seconds. It has a 45-second cooldown.

Trickshot has a new sound and visual appearance, and now changes color based on the equipped color crystal.


Survivor's Scars now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3% per point).

Imperial Agent

Due to changes in the Sniper skill trees, Snipers have had their skill points refunded.
The amount absorbed by Shield Probe now scales properly based on character stats.
Entrench's buff tooltip no longer incorrectly mentions damage reduction.

Target Acquired now increases Accuracy by 30% and Armor Penetration by 15% instead of increasing Alacrity.

An issue that prevented Shatter Shot from displaying visual effects has been corrected.

Series of Shots' visual effects now fire 4 times over the 3-second activation. Its projectile now changes color based on the equipped color crystal.

Takedown has a new sound and visual appearance.

Rapid Fire and Sniper Volley have swapped positions in the skill tree.

Rapid Fire is now a 3-point passive skill that reduces the cooldown of Ambush and Series of Shots by 1 second per point.

Sniper Volley now finishes the cooldown of Series of Shots and increases Alacrity by 10% and Energy regeneration by 50% for 10 seconds. It has a 45-second cooldown.

Followthrough has a new sound and visual appearance, and its visual effects now change color based on the equipped color crystal.

Cluster Bombs now lasts 20 seconds (up from 10). Cluster Bombs can now be detonated once every second (down from once every 1.5 seconds).

Imperial Methodology now provides 2 additional Cluster Bombs (up from 1).


The animations for Laceration and Collateral Strike have been improved.
Survival Training now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3% per point).


Pulse Generator now only affects Pulse Cannon, as described.
Ion Cell now generates 100% additional threat while active.

Shield Specialist
Supercharged Ion Cell now increases Ion Overload damage by 25%. While Ion Cell is active, High Impact Bolt triggers your Ion Cell on the target and up to 4 additional nearby targets. This damage does not affect sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. This generates a high amount of threat.

Static Shield: The critical chance bonus applied to Stockstrike and Explosive Surge has been reduced to 8% per point.

Static Surge now increases the damage dealt by Explosive Surge by 6% per point and causes Storm to grant 1 charge of Static Surge per point, which makes the next Explosive Surge free of cost. This skill now requires Storm instead of Static Shield.


Cell Charger has been redesigned. While Armor-Piercing Cell is active, there is a 50% chance per point to generate 1 Energy Cell every 6 seconds.

Charged Barrel and Gravity Surge have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Charged Barrel now requires Grav Round and Gravity Surge now requires Charged Barrel.

Gravity Surge now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel and Charged Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round fired.

Heavy Trooper now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).

Assault Specialist (Commando)
Target Lock has been redesigned and now gives Full Auto and High Impact Bolt 10% of armor penetration per point.

Bounty Hunter

Ion Gas Cylinder now generates 100% additional threat while active.

Shield Tech
Supercharged Ion Gas now increases Ion Overload damage by 25%. While Ion Gas Cylinder is active, Rail Shot triggers your Ion Gas Cylinder on the target and up to 4 additional nearby targets. This damage does not affect sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. This generates a high amount of threat.

Flame Shield: The critical chance bonus applied to Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep has been reduced to 8% per point.

Flame Surge now increases the damage dealt by Flame Sweep by 6% per point and causes Jet Charge to grant 1 charge of Flame Surge per point, which makes the next Flame Sweep free of cost. This skill now requires Jet Charge instead of Flame Shield.


Barrage now properly affects Unload while wielding a single blaster pistol.

Terminal Velocity has been redesigned. While High-Velocity Gas Cylinder is active, there is a 50% chance per point to vent 8 Heat every 6 seconds.

Tracer Lock and Light 'Em Up have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Tracer Lock now requires Tracer Missile and Light 'Em Up now requires Tracer Lock.

Light 'Em Up now additionally grants an extra stack of Tracer Lock and Power Barrier, if applicable, with each Tracer Missile fired.

Custom Enviro Suit now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).

Pyrotech (Mercenary)
Advanced Targeting has been redesigned and now gives Unload and Rail Shot 10% of armor penetration per point.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 3 – 10 Companion Characters

Companion Characters


Companion Characters now remember if they were set to Passive when the player dismounts from a vehicle.

A message is now displayed when companions are dismissed as the player enters a PvP Objective Area.

Corrected an issue that would cause companions to appear as invisible when equipped with a Rakghoul Companion Kit.


Ashara Zavros
An issue that caused parts of this companion to become invisible when equipped with the dancer outfit has been corrected.

Bowdaar's "Wookiee Roar" ability now properly scales from Strength.

Ensign Temple
Affection is no longer awarded inappropriately during the mission "Crew Relations."

Crew Skills

Crafting Skills

Players can now receive a critical success when crafting Relics, which results in the addition of an Augment slot to the crafted item.

New Custom (orange) waist, wrist, hand, and foot slot schematics have been added to Armormech and Synthweaving. These schematics can be obtained via Underworld Trading missions.


Elegant Modified Blaster Pistols now require 400 Armstech to learn and craft. Players who already learned this schematic but are below 400 Armstech retain the schematic, but will not be able to craft it until they reach 400 Armstech.


Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP Areas.

Biochemists can now craft a version of Warzone Adrenals. The grade 6 crafting PvP box provides enough materials to craft 20-40 of these adrenals.

Attack Adrenals now reduce healing done by 20% when active.

The damage penalty of Triage Adrenals has been reduced from 50% to 20%.

Level 48 Biochem consumables no longer require Grade 5 materials to craft.

Level 45-46 "Mind-bending" implants now require Parasitic Microorganisms instead of Red Goo to craft.

Gathering Skills

Players can now scavenge materials from corpses in combat. Taking damage will push back or cancel the action.

Companions can no longer harvest materials while in combat.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 4 – 10 Flashpoints and Operations

Flashpoints and Operations


The number of enemy encounters has been reduced in The False Emperor, Taral V, Boarding Party, and Directive 7 to bring them in line with other Flashpoints.

Loot rewards in level 50 Flashpoints have been improved significantly. Bosses now drop equipment that prepares players for Hard Mode Flashpoints.

Daily Commendations can now be acquired from some bosses in level 50 and Hard Mode Flashpoints.

Players now earn social points for defeating Flashpoint and Operation bosses of appropriate challenge. No social points are gained for defeating bosses more than three levels below the player.


Loot drops in many endgame Flashpoints have changed:

Affected bosses drop items directly instead of dropping tradable tokens. Every boss now has at least one valid item per gear role. Many bosses now drop a variety of items (instead of items for a single slot). Commendation and ingredient drops have also received minor updates.

Story Mode endgame Flashpoint loot has been upgraded across the board to contain a mixture of Artifact items. Artifact items include the head, chest, feet, hands, and leg pieces of sets that were previously only given out as waist and wrist pieces from Heroic World Bosses and Xenotech and Tionese pieces that do not contain a set bonus.

Hard Mode endgame Flashpoint loot has been upgraded to contain higher-quality Artifact items, including Tionese pieces with set bonuses and Columi pieces. Hard Mode final bosses are largely unaffected.

Boarding Party

Players no longer need to complete or have the mission "Call to Arms" in order to receive the Story or Hard Mode version of this Flashpoint.

Storm Squad's enrage timer has been increased to 5 minutes in Hard Mode.

Chief Engineer Kel's Reactor Pulse now respects immunity to knockback effects.

HXI-54 Juggernaut no longer targets players in cover with Electro Tether.

Commander Jorland fires his explosive round less often and now varies targets.

Medical Officer Alon has been moved closer to Chief Massey.

Sakan Do'nair no longer has an invulnerability aura, and his healers no longer get stuck in an invulnerable state.

Jedi Healers now have more health, and their healing abilities are now more effective.

Sakan now breaks his healers out of incapacitating effects throughout the encounter.

The number of non-boss encounters in this Flashpoint has been reduced.


General Ortol no longer fires rockets faster than once every 15 seconds.

Colicoid War Game

New tutorials now introduce players to plasma cannon mechanics.

Players on plasma cannons are now healed slightly over time.

Annihilator 6K-A2's health has been increased significantly. Its Missile Bombardment has improved visual effects, does less damage at once, and adds a fire debuff to affected players.

The patrolling droid in the hazard course now respawns less frequently.

The Simulation Mode effect can now be interrupted.

Directive 7

Bulwark's enrage timer has been increased to 5 minutes, 30 seconds in Hard Mode. The difficulty of the Bulwark encounter has been decreased in Story and Hard Modes.

Mentor's Assassins now deal less damage in both difficulty modes.

Mentor's Turboblaster Capacitors are now uninterruptable while using Capacitor Blast, and they now alternate between Capacitor Blast and Super Charge.

Mentor's area of effect missiles now use a damage radius that more closely matches their visual effect.

Mentor's Automated Defense Turrets now deal less damage in Hard Mode.

A new checkpoint has been added to the Mentor Assassin encounter. Groups that are defeated will respawn much closer to the encounter.

Players no longer get stuck behind Interrogator if they skip the encounter.

A new checkpoint has been added after the encounter with Bulwark. Groups defeated by Replicator and Mentor will have a much shorter return time.

Hammer Station

The light bridge now continues to function after the Flashpoint has been completed.

Kaon Under Siege

A tooltip has been added to the Festering Bite debuff inflicted by Rakghoul Supersoldiers.

Lost Island

Maps for this Flashpoint have been improved.

The ice effect on The Vorantikus now displays properly.

Maelstrom Prison

Players no longer need to complete or have the mission "The Jedi Prisoner" in order to receive the Story or Hard Mode version of this Flashpoint.

Players no longer need to complete the Flashpoint "Taral V" to access this Flashpoint.

Colonel Daksh's enrage timer has been increased by 1 minute. His eye laser ability damage has been reduced in Hard and Story Mode, and the duration of the eye laser has been reduced by 10 seconds. A visible interrupt immunity for all abilities has been added.

Red Reaper

Lord Kherus no longer respawns after players reach the bridge of the ship.

Taral V

Players no longer need to complete or have the mission "The Jedi Prisoner" in order to receive the Story or Hard Mode version of this Flashpoint.

General Edikar's enrage timer has been increased to 5 minutes in Hard Mode.

General Edikar's Hail of Bolts is now avoidable as intended.

Analyze Weakness used by the Outpost Experimental Droid now increases damage taken by its target by a smaller amount.

Lord Hasper's Force Storm now deals less damage. He is also immune to interrupts, and takes longer to enrage.

Handler Gattan and his Trained Vine Cats now have less health.

Gattan's Trained Vine Cats are now more easily managed by the tank.

The number of non-boss encounters in this Flashpoint has been reduced.

The Battle of Ilum

Krel Thak now alerts players when proximity probe has been activated. Krel Thak now knocks players back before activating proximity probes.

Krel Thak's Allied Weequay Pirates now deal less damage in Hard Mode.

Proximity Probes now deal less damage.

Players now correctly earn social and light or dark side points for completing this Flashpoint.

The Black Talon

Yadira Ban's Cyclone Nova now respects immunity to knockback effects.

The Esseles

Collision has been added to the Hangar to prevent players from falling out of the area.

Ironfist's difficulty in Hard Mode has been reduced.

Increased the delay after the reticule appears before the lightning strike when fighting Vokk in Hard Mode.

The False Emperor

The Sith Entity's enrage timer has been increased to 5 minutes in Hard Mode.

HK-47 no longer re-enters stealth after using his Backhand ability and is now visible while channeling his stab attack.

HK-47's turrets no longer have shields.

The time that Darth Malgus is vulnerable to being knocked off the ledge after being hit by the first knockback effect has been increased.

A new mission step has been added to this Flashpoint after defeating Darth Malgus. Players who fall to their deaths now have time to recover and receive loot.

The number of non-boss encounters in this Flashpoint has been reduced.

Players now correctly earn social and light or dark side points for completing this Flashpoint.

The Foundry

Players no longer need to complete or have the mission "Call to Arms" in order to receive the Story or Hard Mode version of this Flashpoint.

Players no longer need to complete the Flashpoint "Boarding Party" to access this Flashpoint.



Story Mode Operations no longer automatically assign loot to individual participants.

Eternity Vault

Corrected an issue that could cause Gharj to occasionally knock players out of the world.

A message is now broadcast when the Infernal Disciples encounter is reset.

Soa's Ball Lightning and Mind Traps are now destroyed when Soa is defeated.

Explosive Conflict

Corrected an issue that caused players to be teleported out of the phase if they reached some remote areas of the minefield.

During the encounter with Firebrand and Stormcaller, the Shield Generators will no longer be susceptible to procs from Relics.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 5 – 10 Group Finder

Group Finder

The Group Finder is now available for all players! It can be accessed via the Group Finder button located next to the minimap once a character reaches level 10. The Group Finder allows players to be automatically grouped with other players looking to participate in Flashpoints and Operations, or to find groups on specific planets.

Players can specify roles they wish to play (Tank, Healer, or Damage) and can choose which Flashpoint or Operation they would like to find a group for. When a group is found, the players can choose to teleport directly to the Flashpoint or Operation.

Players can receive bonus rewards for using the Group Finder by allowing it to randomly select a Flashpoint or Operation. Players receive bonus rewards the first time each day they complete a random Story Mode Flashpoint, Hard Mode Flashpoint, and Story Mode Operation. Rewards are received upon completing the content.

Group Finder groups are slightly different than normal groups: the leader cannot kick players or change loot rules, but the group has access to the vote kick system. Players can elect to remove another player from the group.

In a Group Finder group, the group or operation frames display an icon indicating each member's chosen role (healing, tank, or damage).

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 6 – 10 Items



Mini-pets have been added to the PvP items vendor.

Baradium Flux can now be traded between players.

The Collector's Edition Holocamera has been repositioned to properly fit the player's hand.

Some gear (Custom social gear, in most cases) has been flagged as "Adaptive." This gear determines its armor type based on the best armor the player or companion wearing it can equip.

Tooltips for adaptive gear have been reworked to make it easier to compare armor values (given that it may have different armor values for you and your companion).

Many descriptions for Unassembled gear pieces have been updated to describe where players should go to redeem them.

PvP lockboxes are no longer unique and now have a required purchase level.

Rakata Enforcer's Gear no longer incorrectly indicates that there are 6 items in its set.

Three War Hero items (Field Tech's Belt, Field Tech's Bracers, Eliminator's Generator) now require an appropriate Battlemaster item as part of their purchase cost.

Premium PvP lockboxes have been reduced in price from 120 Warzone Commendations to 80 Warzone Commendations.

Voice processing for some head slot items has been corrected. It has been added to some items that lacked processing and removed from some items that should not have had it.

Additional spawn locations for the Orokeet Mini-pet egg have been added to Alderaan. Eggs can now also be found on Balmorra (Imperial) and Taris (Republic).

Three green color crystal schematics have been added to the Daily Commendation vendor.

War Hero Mender's MK-1 System has been added to the Smuggler and Imperial Agent War Hero PvP vendors.

The names of five schematics that grant the Exotech Weaponmaster's armor have been corrected. They were erroneously named "Exotech Battlemaster's."

Rakata Freeze Bombs can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network.

The M3-O1 Matrix cube now grants 28 Strength and 14 Endurance (instead of 19 Strength and 24 Endurance).

The Party Instigator and Galactic Party Bomb now function correctly and are available on the appropriate Social vendors.

The passive stats on all top-level Matrix Cubes have been increased.

The "on use" abilities on relics have been altered. The magnitude of their stat buffs has been decreased, but the duration of the buff has been increased. This reduces burst damage, but sustained damage is unchanged.

The Rhythm Augmentation Droid now lasts for 5 minutes (up from 30 seconds).

Some headpieces that previously displayed severe graphical issues with Miralukan facemasks have been made invisible on Miralukan characters.

Modifications with four stats will now display properly when viewed from the Item Modification Table.

Relics can no longer provide extra damage or healing to a dead target.

Corrected an issue with relics that could allow for them to damage friendly and heal hostile enemies.

Augmentation Slots

Item Modification Tables in the game world now provide players with the ability to add augmentation slots to armor (head, chest, wrists, legs, feet, waist), earpieces, implants, relics, main and off hand items (knives, shotguns, generators, shields, foci), and droid armor (sensors, cores, motors, and parts).

To install or upgrade an augmentation slot, the following requirements must be met:

The target item must be Premium (green) in quality or better.

The player must have enough credits to cover the installation fee, which varies based on item level, quality, and equipment type.

The player must have an augmentation kit of the appropriate rank which will be consumed in the process.

Installing an augmentation slot binds the target item to the player.

Augmentation slots are tiered in rank, and can only accept augments up to their rank.

Augmentation slots can be upgraded to a higher tier through the Item Modification Table.

Mod extraction costs have been reduced by 30%.


A wider variety of item modifications are now available as loot drops. For grouped players, these modification drops are almost always tailored to party composition.

Loot drops on Origin Worlds, especially rare items, are now more appropriate for the classes that obtain them.

Players now see specialized class and role item drops throughout the game that are more appropriate for the player or group.

Medpacs dropped throughout the course of playing on a planet are now more appropriate to that planet's level range.

Some heavy armor drops have been removed from Tython and Korriban to make loot more appropriate.

Many Prototype quality Barrels and Hilts have been added to random loot as rare drops.

Several level 56 items that had level 48 color crystals instead of level 56 have been corrected.


A Republic Crew Skills vendor in the Dune Sea no longer appears on Imperial characters' maps.


Character Perks are now available! These are bonuses that a player can purchase with credits upon reaching a minimum Legacy level that apply only to the character that purchased them. The Perks available in Game Update 1.3 include:

Increased experience from Flashpoints, Warzones, Space Missions, Class Missions, and Exploration

Increased companion affection gains from gifts and conversations

Increased chance for a companion to craft Exceptional gear

Reduce the time it takes for a companion to sell junk items

Summon a Droid in the field to repair gear and buy and sell items.

Reset your skill point specialization in the field

Unlock the ability to use some speeders at lower levels

Priority Transport Passes that allow for fast transit back to your capital world, the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine, the Black Hole on Corellia, and the Gav Daragon (Republic) or the Ziost Shadow (Imperial). And more!

The PvP Training Dummy unlocked via Legacy is now named "Warzone Training Dummy" to avoid confusion.

The Legacy abilities Heroic Orbital Strike, Lightning Storm, Dirty Kick, Sticky Grenade, Force Sweep, Project, and Force Choke now deal increased damage.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 7 – 10 Missions and NPCs

Missions and NPCs


New weekly missions to defeat various Heroic World Bosses are now available on the Fleets.

Cinematics throughout the game have been polished. Many visual issues during cinematics have been corrected, and updates have been made to consistency (such as ensuring that characters killed in cinematics are no longer alive in the phase afterward). Some instances where audio and subtitles did not match have been corrected.

Many minor changes and bug fixes have been made to missions. Examples include: several missing map notes have been added (and many erroneous map notes have been corrected), some mission usables that weren't appearing in the tracker now appear, and several conversations that would automatically start even after being canceled have been corrected. Not every minor fix has received an individual note.

Many instances where mission phases could be entered before passing through the phase gate have been corrected.

Corrected instances where mission indicators would appear over NPCs when not intended.

Players can now use shift-click in the mission log to create a chat hyperlink for a mission.

Interacting with the Armstech Trainer now completes the Imperial mission "Crafting Trainers."

Killing bosses in Nightmare Mode now gives credit for the [VEHICLE] Aratech Nightscythe and the [VEHICLE] Praxon Firaxa missions.

A very rare issue that could cause players who completed a mission and exceeded its goals by an extremely large amount (by continuing to kill the mission's targets, for instance) to be returned to character select has been addressed.

Mission completion experience is no longer displayed twice in the chat window.

Several instances of incorrect loading screen summaries being displayed have been corrected.

World Missions


A Woman Scorned: Rehanna Rist no longer becomes invisible.


Freeing the Fallen: The "Clear the Way" bonus objective now requires only 20 kills (down from 30).

Jungle Flight: This mission is now properly balanced for two players.


The shuttle to and from the Black Hole area can now be used to transport players directly to their personal starships.

Bomb Disposal: The first bomb removed by the player no longer disappears from the player's mission inventory.

Supply Confiscation: Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents are no longer addressed as Sith Lords during this mission.


The Challenge of War: The encounter with two Kaleesh Supplymasters has been redesigned and is now less difficult.

Nar Shaddaa

Diversion: The behavior of NPCs related to this mission now matches the mission description.

The Exchange Enhancement Facility: The Incubator no longer respawns without the Ukabi Super Soldier floating in it.


The Archive: Wintag's voiceover no longer has an inappropriate voice effect.

The Corpse Counters: Cera now uses the correct conversation lines in this mission.


Search and Rescue: Single prisoners no longer grant credit more than once for the objective "Rescue Prisoners."


Fishing Façade: Corrected an issue where the subtitles for T5-BD were not displaying long enough.

Gormak Sabotage: The Gormak Tech Shaman is now balanced appropriately for solo players.

Let's See Some Aggression: This mission no longer fails if the player uses a stealth ability during Gormak Ambushes.

The First Commando's Call: NPCs associated with this mission no longer automatically attack the player.

Trial of the First: This mission is no longer automatically completed for all group members when one player turns it in.

Class Missions


Travel Passes granted at the end of Chapters no longer share a cooldown with the Emergency Fleet Pass.

Jedi Knight

Catching up with Watcher One: Removed a mission that erroneously appeared in the mission log after speaking to RE-M0.

New Intelligence: The "Ship Entrance" map note now displays on the Jedi Knight Airlock map as intended. Lieutenant Marcovic's spawn for the step "Defeat Lieutenant Macovic" is no longer delayed by several minutes.

Tactical Advantages: Players will now receive proper credit when groupmates defeat Imperial Conquest Droids.

Jedi Consular

A Return Home: This mission now offers a lockbox reward of the appropriate level (the lockbox previously offered was lower level than intended).

Rajivari's Legacy: Rajivari no longer respawns.

Sith Inquisitor

Andronikos Revel: Players can no longer become stuck inside this mission's phase if they enter a Warzone while inside it.

Legacy: The map now correctly leads the player back to the Inner Chamber if the player left during the boss fight.


Brotherhood: Players assisting a Smuggler on this mission can now exit the mission phase and will not become stuck.

Deals and Double Deals: The conversation for the step "Confront Gus Tuno" now begins correctly when the player enters the mission phase.

You Can't Spend Infamy: Using an Emergency Fleet Pass now correctly progresses this mission.


Justice: The Republic troopers standing near General Garza are now properly armed with their rifles.

Mannett Point: Corrected an issue that could cause NPCs associated with this mission to evade and exit combat.

The Separatists' Stronghold: This mission no longer resets to its first step if the player is defeated on the "Talk to Commander Tavus" step.

Bounty Hunter

A Musty Trail: This mission's reward no longer asks the player to choose from rewards that list only one item.

Hostile Takeover: Players can now complete the conversation with General Krau if 2V-R8 is the current active companion.

Last One Standing: Coral's level now matches the level of this mission.


Several World Boss abilities and attacks now have appropriate sound effects.

The Holowan Labs Security Overseer's level has been increased to provide an appropriate challenge.

Removed one of two Mandalorian Equalizers that patrolled the same area in the Jungle Valley on Dromund Kaas.

Jace Malcom no longer wears armor with the Havoc Squad emblem.

Imperial Service Droids on Balmorra are now combat Droids instead of healing Droids.

Jedi Champions on Ilum can no longer see through the stealth granted by being revived by a medical probe.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 8 – 10 PVP



Players are no longer flagged for PvP if they use their class buff on a player that is flagged.

New introductory level 50 PvP missions that reward a choice of lockboxes that contain Recruit PvP gear have been added to the game. Players who already have Recruit gear can elect to receive a Recruit Credit Redemption Token, which can be sold for the purchase price of a set of Recruit gear.

Players are no longer removed from their current group when they join a Warzone. While a player is in a Warzone, all functions affect the Warzone group. Players that are not in the Warzone will see the original group normally, and when the Warzone is over, players in the Warzone will be able to interact with their original group.

Players who are stunned or immobilized no longer appear to teleport a short distance to a new location on other players' screens.

Medical probe revivals can no longer be called in PvP regions belonging to the opposing faction.

Relics that have effects activated "on hit" no longer cause players to remain in combat longer than expected during PvP.

The "on use" abilities on relics can no longer be used inside Warzones. PvP relics (such as the Recruit, Battlemaster, and War hero relics) now have passive boosts to the same stats that the "on use" ability affected.

New relics that offer "on hit" triggered abilities are now available from PvP vendors.

Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.

Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas.

Biochemists can now craft a version of the Warzone Adrenal.

The duration of the Warzone Adrenal has been reduced to 15 seconds (down from 25) to match the duration of other Adrenals.



Players who receive an in-combat revival no longer receive healing scoreboard credit for the revival.

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones

Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones are now available! Teams of 8 level 50 players can use the "Queue Team Ranked" button in the Warzone queue window to queue for a Ranked Warzone match.

Ranked Warzones reward Ranked Warzone Commendations.

Teams receive their Team Rating after participating in 10 Ranked Warzone matches. This rating is adjusted at the end of every Team Ranked Warzone match based on win or loss and the ratings of all other matched players.

Leaving a Ranked Warzone before it ends counts as a loss. Declining an invitation once a match is made counts as a loss.

Players in the queue for a Ranked Warzone can queue for a normal Warzone at the same time. Entering a normal Warzone does not remove players from the Ranked Warzone queue. If a Ranked Warzone match is found while a player is in a normal Warzone, the match is reserved until the player finishes the normal Warzone, and other players in the reserved match will not be asked to join normal Warzones.

Alderaan Civil War

This Warzone can now be played by two teams of the same faction. Additionally, each objective marker now appears in a color relative to the player's team – green indicates objectives controlled by your team, and red indicates objectives controlled by the other team. These colors match the colors on the scorecard and map.

Corrected a terrain issue that allowed players to reach the middle objective from the other objectives faster than intended.

Corrected a region placement error that caused Imperial players to be instantly defeated in an unintended area near the Republic spawn area.

The Warzone Scorecard now properly displays the pre-match countdown.

Performance optimizations have been implemented to improve the framerate inside this Warzone.

Corrected an issue that could prevent tooltips from minimizing properly.


The acid trap debuff now expires correctly if a player is disconnected while in the acid trap.

Novare Coast

The message that an enemy bunker is taking damage now plays less frequently.

The areas around each capture point that provide credit for defense have been adjusted and now include more area.


The layout of the first room has been changed slightly to increase travel time between objectives.

Objective markers in this Warzone now appear in a color relative to the player's team. When the bomb is waiting to be armed, the attacking team will see a red marker and the defending team sees a green marker. This marker is green for the attacking team (and red for the defending team) when the bomb has been planted.

Players now receive notification when they receive defender points for guarding doors.

Voidstar scoring now factors in time spent both on offense and defense. This means a team that started on defense and prevented most of the objectives from being taken can get maximum score by making further progress in round 2 and winning early.

Corrected an issue that could prevent the bomb from displaying correctly when planted on doors.

A very rare case that could prevent a Voidstar match from ending early if the second attacking team exceeded the progress of the first attacking team has been corrected.

The Voidstar features new voiceover transmissions that support matches between players of the same faction.

World PvP

The Outlaws' Den (Tatooine)

Companion Characters are no longer permitted within the Outlaw's Den.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 9 – 10 Space Combat

Space Combat

Players can now receive additional Space Combat Missions after completing their first without having to leave and return to their personal starship.

An issue that prevented player ships from being visually destroyed upon mission failure has been corrected.

Using /stuck during a Space Combat Mission no longer kills the player.

Ship item tooltips now distinguish between bonuses that set your ship to a specific value and those that add the value to your total.

Test 1.3 Patch Notes = 10 – 10 UI and Misc



Corrected an issue that could cause profession abilities to disappear from quickslots occasionally.

Vehicles now display unique buff icons that list the vehicles name, icon, and movement speed description.

Players no longer see mission loot beams on corpses that have a mission item for another group member.

Spending points in Skill Trees no longer causes players to be dismounted.

If players attempt to reverse engineer an item that is being modified, the Modify Item window will now close.

Added a tooltip to the untrain button (designated by "x") in the Crew Skills window.

Added a tooltip to schematics when viewed in the Crew Skills trainer window.

Adding or removing item modifications will update the modification count appropriately in the modification window.

Galactic Trade Network

Droids now use "Droid Armor" instead of Heavy Armor. This change corrects issues with the Usable By filter on the Galactic Trade Network. This is a categorization change and has no impact on item use.

Groups and Targeting

Players can now choose to enable a predictive tab targeting indicator, which will display an icon next to the enemy next in line for tab targeting.

The predictive targeting indicator is now available even if the player has nameplates disabled.

Guild Banks

Guild members can now view their own ledger data, and the guildmaster's transactions now accurately appear in the log.

The ledger now defaults to show all members, and the guildmaster can disable ledger viewing based on rank.

The Guild Bank will now show players the correct error message if they try to deposit more credits than they currently have.


Many areas where the map would incorrectly change and show another area have been corrected.


Font size can now be adjusted in detached chat windows.

The social emote /ironfist is now available for use. It cannot be used while in combat.


In-game tutorials have been polished significantly:

The tutorial window is larger, and all tutorials have more images and information available.

Players can browse through all tutorials via an index on the tutorial page. All tutorials can be accessed via the main menu.

Tutorials can now be turned off directly from the tutorial screen.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Several grammatical and localization text and voice over errors have been corrected throughout the game.

Several locations where players could become stuck in terrain throughout the game have been corrected.

Many minor art bugs have been addressed. Examples include visible terrain seams, incorrect collision in some areas, misplaced environmental assets, some pieces of gear that displayed incorrectly, and improper animations for NPCs. Not every minor art change has received an individual note.

Some minor audio bugs, such as missing lines of ambient dialogue and incorrect volume for some effects, have been corrected.

The emote /overthere now properly references the player's target in the chat window.

The female /taunt emote now animates properly while the player is moving.

Player weapons during looping emote animations are now stowed away more consistently.

Trails behind speeder bikes no longer stretch inappropriately when in first-person view.

An area of Nem'ro's Palace that was mistakenly flagged as a Rest XP area has been corrected.

The bind point at the Republic Wilderness Outpost on Belsavis no longer incorrectly binds players to Meltwater Outpost.

Corrected an extremely rare client freeze.

Custom chat channel commands (moderate, kick, and mute) now work more reliably.

The "success" chat message is no longer displayed before actually joining a custom chat channel.

A new "Very High" graphics options setting is now available, and existing settings (Very Low, Low, Medium, and High) have been re-factored to cover the wider spread of options.

Character eyes now appear brighter when using "Very Low" shader complexity.

Players that begin a taxi ride while in a jumping or falling animation no longer see visual errors or take falling damage.

The camera no longer zooms to a distance beyond the player's maximum camera distance while on taxis.

The Miraluka social ability, Sense Force Alignment, now properly reflects only the target's Force alignment.

If an item is equipped to an invalid slot, it is now moved to the player's inventory after logging in. This corrects some edge case issues with incorrectly categorized items.

The Chiss and Mirialan social abilities now correctly do not break on damage unless the player is in combat.

The correct message is now displayed when a player gains experience by discovering a new area.

Anti-Aliasing has been re-enabled for ATI 6900 series video cards.

Using Ctrl-A and Ctrl-M no longer reports to the chat window that ambient sounds or music has been toggled.

Players that are defeated in areas not controlled by their faction on Alderaan now respawn closer to the hostile area where they were defeated.


Companion Gifts - Ship's Robot

Added a section to companions gifts.  This one is for your ship Robot.