
Datacron Locations by Color

Just added this to the Pages location.  Please let me know if any of the datacron locations are inaccurate.

Hutta                            Blue Matrix Shard        X: -10, Y: 324
Tatooine                       Blue Matrix Shard        X: -2391, Y: -1381
Tython                          Blue Matrix Shard        X: -93, Y: 919

Balmorra                      Green Matrix Shard      X: -504, Y: 2000
Belsavis                        Green Matrix Shard      X: -315, Y: 2173
Taris                             Green Matrix Shard      X: 1059, Y: 1039

Hoth                             Red Matrix Shard         X: -738, Y: 1705
Ilum                              Red Matrix Shard         X: 543, Y: 543
Korriban                       Red Matrix Shard         X: -54, Y: 379
Ord Mantell                  Red Matrix Shard         X: 778, Y: 133

Coruscant                    Yellow Matrix Shard    X: 905, Y: 4557
Dromund Kaas            Yellow Matrix Shard    X: -187, Y: 1738
Ilum                             Yellow Matrix Shard    X: 303, Y: -353
Nar Shaddaa                Yellow Matrix Shard    X: 1784, Y: 3091

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