
Applications and other new things

I have been making a few additions to our links as well as tweaking the format to give this a more user friendly vibe.  One new thing I made was a section called Application For Mobile Devices.  This should give you some friendly apps for your Ipad/Tablet/Palms/etc.  I also added in two new things for the Tradeskill Section.  This should help some what.  If you have better links, please give me a heads up.

I also rearranged the blog to make it more user friendly to view.  All of the SWTOR information that is directly related to SWTOR is located on the left. With the acception of class information, which is now located at the bottom, you can now find all of your SWTOR by simply looking left.  My Printer Friendly Page section is now on the left, as well as Voice Chat Programs, You Tube Videos, and the new Application Section.

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