
Tip of the Day #1 - Getting the Most out of Your Harvests!

I get tons of questions from guild members on the most efficient way to do something. So I decided to do a tip of the day. This way you can get in on this great sage advice of the Great Squirrel. I plan on adding this to the pages section for easy viewing.

Tip #1 - How to get the Most out of Your Harvests

When harvesting always look for the words "BOUNTIFUL" or "RICH."

This will give you the best returns for your expense. If you are not picky for tier (such as slicing) you can drop a tier and pick from a lower level. You have a greater yield for your expense. You also have a much greater chance at getting purple harvests and possibly recipes.

From this simple little tip I have went from 50,000 credits in slicing to over 150,000 credits in 3 days. It’s one of the best tips I have found.

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