
TotD: Star Wars VS Ventrilo

How to make your SWTOR compatible with your Ventrilo.

To run ventrilo with Star Wars the old Republic you MUST run the program as administrator (Vista and windows 7). This can be done 2 ways:

1) Right click on ventrilo and select run as adminstrator. This must be performed EVERY TIME.

2)Right click. Select properties. go to compatability. Check the box "Run this program as adminsitrator" (you may have to select "Run this program in compatability mode for"). If you do this option, Ventrilo will always run as admin (i.e. you will not have to do #1 above).

How to balance out the volume so that you can hear everyone at a nice even level.

Voice Normalization
Go to Setup Enable Direct Sound Select the SFX Button Select Compressor and click Add. Under Compressor Properties use the following settings:
Gain = Adjust for how loud you want people to be. (I use 15)
Attack = 0.01
Release = Around 500
Threshold = Around -30
Ratio = 100
Pre delay = 4.0 Done!


50's Dailys

Here is my first revision of this.  I will another revision once I get the locations for Belsavis.

Ilum (8 commendations)
A Fair Fight                                        General Orias = Loc 34, -16 (Republic Way Station)
Crystal Clear Sabotage                       Captain Sarmuk = Loc 5, -18 (Republic Way Station)
Darkness on Ilum[+ 2]                        Master Moran = Loc 536, -31 (Republic Base Camp)
Icy Destruction                                   Major Dumerin = Loc 39, -18 Republic Way Station)
Jam the Transmissions                       Agent Falcon = Loc 505, -31 (Republic Base Camp)
Pilot Down                                          L4-B5 = Loc 548, -33 (By Republic Base Camp)

Belsavis (17 commendations)
A Lesson is Learned[+2]                    Doctor Everis = High Security Section
Emergent Medicine                             Sergeant Kayen = High Security Section
Open Communications[+4]                 Agent Hextal = High Security Section
Restraining the Darkness                    Master Korman Reyes = High Security Section
Strengthening The Chain                    Major Harris = High Security Section

Containing the Beast                          Captain Valn = The Tomb
Prison Repairs                                     Lieuteant Scraife = The Tomb
Riot                                                     Captain Devlin = The Tomb
Sleeping Rakata                                  Master Vij Markos = The Tomb
The Stasis Generator[+4]                    General Skylast = The Tomb
Unheard Frequencies                          Doctor Larek = The Tomb


Top Level Dailys

I will be posting this in my page section as well, but here is a list of the dailys and who gives them.  I have listed this by zone and area.

Two main quest hubs on Belasavis
High Security Section and The Tomb.
Access The Tomb by using  the Rakata Transporter near the Meltwater Outpost.

High Securitiy Section Quests
1. Open Communications (Heroic 4) – from Agent Hextal
2. Lessons Learned (Heroic 2) – from Doctor Everis
3. Strengthening The Chain – from Major Harris Rewards 
4. Restraining The Darkness – from Master Korman Reyes
5. Emergent Medicine – from Sergeant Kayen

The Tomb Quests
1. Stasis Generator (Heroic 4) – from Tech Station
2. Riot – from Captain Devlin
3. Descent Into The Tomb – MUST DO to get to Monitoring Station Console for Prison Repairs
4. Prison Repairs
5. Sleeping Rakata – from Master Markos
6. Unheard Frequencies – from Doctor Larek
7. Containing The Beast – from Captain Valn

1. Darkness On Ilum (Heroic 2) – from Master Moran
2. Pilot Down – from L4-B5 Rewards
3. Jam The Transmissions – from Agent Falcon
4. Crystal Clear Sabotage – from Captain Sarmuk
5. A Fair Fight – from General Orias Rewards
6. Icy Destruction – from Major Dumerin


Tip of the Day #7

You can split stacks by shift-left-clicking and dragging a stack to a new, empty bag spot. This way you do not have to hand over entire chunks of product.  It also helps to sell items on the broker that require individual sales.

New Additions - Search and Destroy

I have added 2 new sections to the blog today.

1. There is now a new SEARCH feature.  I noticed the blog was getting pretty hefty in information, so I felt that a search feature to help find the information quicker.
2. I have added a new Space Missions section.  This should help with finding those pesky ship parts and how to complete some of those pesky missions.

Tip of the Day #6

If you become flagged for PVP, simply type /FLAG to remove it.  It will take 5 minutes if you have not attacked anything, or are in a safe zone, however if you are actively PVPing or in a combat area it could take up to 20 minutes.  Another useful trick is to just /flag and then switch to another toon (if you have an alt) for about half an hour.  This guarantees that your PVP flag will disappear.


The Quick Companion Gift List

Today I added in another page with a very quick, printer friendly, version of what your companions need.  This is a Repulic side one and only lists their loves and favorites. It should help you to get maximum points from your companions.

I also have longer lists that include their likes and dislikes, as well as what planet you get your companions from. These individual lists also include basic info on your companion such as fighting style, main stat, and other useful quick information. 

The goal is to have all of this information at your fingertips without hunting around in the detailed information that other web sites give you.

Tip of the Day #5

You can place all crafting material in your bank/cargo hold. You do not have to have it on you. Just remember, every time you stop at a bank or your ships cargo hold, to put any extra harvests in there.  This way you dont have to carry it around with you.


Companion Info

Today I added my own personal (Printer Friendly) pages of Companion Info. This is is the quick info on what gifts they like, what armor they were, what gear is good for them, and their general attitude. I don't have the Imperial Agent up yet, but I hope to have that up by the end of the day.

Tip of the Day #4 - Commendations

There are commendation vendors for each planet (accept Quesh) located in your fleet supplies area. They sell the exact same items that you would find on the planets.


Tip of the Day #3 - Making your companions work better.

You will reduce the time for crafting by increasing affection with your companion.
Also, the success rate on missions is increased with higher affection.

Tip of the Day #2 - How Many Companions

There are level restrictions to how many companions you can send to craft at the same time.
You can send 2 companions up to level 25
3 companions up to level 35
4 companions up to level 45
5 companions at level 45-50.

1.1.5 Patch Notes - 3/6/2012


Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6).

Classes and Combat


      Moving while channeling an ability (such as Telekinetic Throw and Force Lightning) will no longer cancel the Global Cooldown, which would allow those abilities to deal more damage than intended.

    Sith Warrior

      The French version of the "Darth" title is now correct.

Flashpoints and Operations


      • Bosses in Operations now drop the correct amount of loot when the group is using the Master Looter loot distribution setting.
      Eternity Vault
      • The "Duel of the Fates" and "Penalty of Destiny" effects are now properly removed when the Infernal Council encounter resets.
      • An issue that could cause buttons to stop responding during the Ancient Pylons encounter has been fixed.
      Karagga's Palace
      • Completing Karagga's Palace in Nightmare Mode now correctly grants the title "The Unyielding."



    • New high-level black-yellow color crystals can now be purchased from the Pre-Order Vendors on the Imperial and Republic Fleets.
    • Several high end speeder models have been temporarily reduced in price until Game Update 1.2.
    • A vendor that sells a variety of previously unavailable endgame crystals has been added temporarily to the Imperial and Republic Fleets until Game Update 1.2.
    • The Portable Holo Dancer once again displays the correct visual effect.
    • Dark/Light requirements present on some color crystals have been removed.

Missions and NPCs


      • Chaos and Harmony: Corrected an issue that caused Children of the Emperor to disappear and reappear during the final boss fight, making the encounter more difficult that intended.
      • Manufacturing Miracles: Corrected a dialogue problem that could cause Destris' conversation to end prematurely.



    • Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.


      • Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.
      • Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.
      • Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.
      • Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.
      • Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.
      • Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
      Alderaan Civil War
      • The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets.

      World PvP

        • To improve Ilum performance, the two large defense turrets outside each base on the Western Shelf no longer fire lasers into the air.
        • Players can now kill a much larger streak of players before they are temporarily prevented from gaining more Valor for kills. Additionally, once the threshold has been passed, players will be prevented from gaining Valor for a shorter period of time.



      • The Shader Complexity preference now supports a "Very Low" option.
      • Codex entry popups now display correctly for level 50 players when they are unlocked.

    Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

    • An issue that could cause players in guilds to be occasionally kicked from Groups and Operations Groups shortly after joining them has been corrected.
    • The use of specific emotes during instant ability activations can no longer result in unintended player movement.


Tip of the Day #1 - Getting the Most out of Your Harvests!

I get tons of questions from guild members on the most efficient way to do something. So I decided to do a tip of the day. This way you can get in on this great sage advice of the Great Squirrel. I plan on adding this to the pages section for easy viewing.

Tip #1 - How to get the Most out of Your Harvests

When harvesting always look for the words "BOUNTIFUL" or "RICH."

This will give you the best returns for your expense. If you are not picky for tier (such as slicing) you can drop a tier and pick from a lower level. You have a greater yield for your expense. You also have a much greater chance at getting purple harvests and possibly recipes.

From this simple little tip I have went from 50,000 credits in slicing to over 150,000 credits in 3 days. It’s one of the best tips I have found.


In Test for 1.1.5

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - 1.1.5 Patch Notes

Because development is ongoing during testing, it should be noted that all changes and updates listed in the patch notes should be considered incomplete and are subject to change or removal before release to the live servers. The Public Test Server patch notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.


Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6).

Classes and Combat
Sith Warrior

The French version of the "Darth" title is now correct.

Flashpoints and Operations

Bosses in Operations now drop the correct amount of loot when the group is using the Master Looter loot distribution setting.

Eternity Vault

The "Duel of the Fates" and "Penalty of Destiny" effects are now properly removed when the Infernal Council encounter resets.

An issue that could cause buttons to stop responding during the Ancient Pylons encounter has been fixed. *UPDATED 2/28*

Karagga's Palace

Completing Karagga's Palace in Nightmare Mode within two hours now correctly grants the title "The Unyielding." *UPDATED 2/28*


New high-level black-yellow color crystals can now be purchased from the Pre-Order Vendors on the Imperial and Republic Fleets.

Several high end speeder models have been temporarily reduced in price until Game Update 1.2.

A vendor that sells a variety of previously unavailable endgame crystals has been added temporarily to the Imperial and Republic Fleets until Game Update 1.2.

The Portable Holo Dancer once again displays the correct visual effect.

Dark/Light requirements present on some color crystals have been removed.

Missions and NPCs

Chaos and Harmony: Corrected an issue that caused Children of the Emperor to disappear and reappear during the final boss fight, making the encounter more difficult that intended.


Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. *UPDATED 2/28*



Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy. *UPDATED 2/28*

Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives. *UPDATED 2/28*

Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available. *UPDATED 2/28*

Valor gained from Warzones has been increased. *UPDATED 2/28*

Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match. *UPDATED 2/28*

Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. *UPDATED 2/28*

Alderaan Civil War

The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets. *UPDATED 2/28*

World PvP

To improve Ilum performance, the two large defense turrets outside each base on the Western Shelf no longer fire lasers into the air.


The Shader Complexity preference now supports a "Very Low" option.

Codex entry popups now display correctly for level 50 players when they are unlocked. *UPDATED 2/28*

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

An issue that could cause players in guilds to be occasionally kicked from Groups and Operations Groups shortly after joining them has been corrected. *UPDATED 2/28*