
Top Ten Signs you play to many MMOs.

10. Your last MMO kept your attention longer than your last girl/boyfriend.
9. When you can recite your entire gaming career but can’t remember your own telephone number.
8. When you can find your way through any zone, into the most complicated dungeons, and know all the secrets to finding any “Easter egg” in the game but get lost driving to your local grocery store.
7. You can Mastercraft top tier recipes in game, but can’t make a grilled cheese sandwich without burning it.
6. Your computer is worth more than your car.
5. You have collected so many in game pets that PETA has begged you to stop.
4. You take longer to make your character then it took you to make your child.
3. Your character has a bigger wardrobe then you do.
2. You learned more in game than you have with your entire educational experience.
1. You actually find yourself saying to someone in your life
“You are a NEWB.”
“You are so POWNED.”
“…..insert gamer dialog here….”

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